Friday, July 24, 2009

The buzz continues about Fiji Methodist arrests

A full news report by the
Fiji Times about the appearances of Methodist leaders and a local Chief in court in Suva appears at

It seems that the Methodist Church in Fiji has been seen as a potential threat to the current regime for some months.

In a blog dated 24 January, widely associated with the Fijian Ombudsman, Shaista Shameem, an anonymous writer railed against Methodist leaders, describing them as The Snake in Priests Clothing, and saying,

"The Methodist Church is a sham. Its leaders (who spend time abusing young children) drive around in expensive vehicles while its members scrounge round for morsels of food. The very existence of this denomination raises serious concerns about the level of involvement the church has in politics and over time, the idiotic priests have stated that politics and religion should go hand in hand. We beg to disagree. People such as Tuikilakila Waqairatu should be strung by their feet and the people of this country should stone these heathens to death for their comments and actions which have led this country to the brink of a racial war. [My emphasis] The leaders of the church preach and promote racial hatred openly. Its members are then forced to give huge sums of money for the leaders benefits. We do not see this as a church of the people. We are certain that the leaders of the church have long given up their role as teachers of good and advocate everything the devil stands for."

On 27 Jan, the blog adds,
"We apologize to our readers that when we asked that Waqairatu be strung up by his feet, we had failed to add cult leader Manasa Lasaro to the whole affair. These two men should be strung up by their feet then set on fire for the world to see what happens when you try to commit seditious acts or incite racial hatred. [My emphasis] These men are not fit for this world and since they worship the devil in secret, they should be sent to his world accordingly."

The Fiji Government website ( comments on this case:

"Government and Military spokesperson, Lt-Col Neumi Leweni, today said Government is firm about its decision to cancel the Methodist Church annual conference because the church is clearly pushing a political agenda rather than focussing on its core role of promoting spiritual development [...]

"The decision to defer the Methodist Conference indefinitely was borne out of the inclusion of political issues in the Methodist Conference agenda. This was a clear breach of the Public Emergency Regulation and also not a matter for the church to discuss.

"Government issued a permit for their meeting last week with conditions, and on the understanding that they will help find a way forward for our nation. “Government asked the committee to understand Fiji’s socio-political situation and assist in our nation-building initiatives that promotes, among other things, equal opportunities for all citizens in the country irrespective of race, colour or creed.”

“Instead the committee has chosen to continue to push its political agenda,” Lt-Col Leweni said.

He said some members of the church have now been taken in for questioning and will be released once the investigations are over.

"Also under investigation is Ro Teimumu for a statement released yesterday which could be termed as a form of incitement.

"Lt-Col Leweni said Government continues to appeal to the public to keep the peace and respect the rule of law."

Meanwhile, the Taiwan News ( reports, under the heading, Australian FM condemns Fiji church arrests, that the Australian Foreign Minister, Stephen Smith, said from Thailand, "We absolutely condemn what has occurred," Smith told reporters. "It does show a consistent course of conduct so far as Commander Bainimarama and the interim military is concerned. This is just another very regrettable example of the regime further isolating itself from the international community and further stepping back from democracy and civil and human rights."

The TN report says that Smith added that the move will further isolate the Pacific island nation's rulers from the international community.

TN reports that one of those taken into custody, the Rev. Manasa Lasaro, was also arrested in June for a sermon demanding freedom of speech.

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